Today, I thought I should share with you my experiences with the Freeman Dead Sea Minerals Anti-Stress Mask. There are several versions of the Freeman Masks but my WalMart had a very small selection of them and I thought this one would be the most beneficial for my skin.
Let's dig into this product some more!
Currently, you can purchase the Dead Sea Minerals Anti-Stress Mask at Wal-Mart for $4.47 and contains 6 oz of product. This is a really great size for the price and I've used this about 5 times since purchasing it and have barely made a dent in this fairly large tube. For those of you who don't want to invest in this giant tube, you can also purchase the travel size that retails for $1.99 and contains 0.5 oz of product.
On the Freeman's Beauty website this mask is described to replenish the skin, re-balances the skin, and helps to make the skin radiant. These are some high claims for a product that is supposed to be used once per week (or as needed). And because masks aren't something that I'm experienced in I was quite skeptical that something like this couldn't possibly work.
For the application, I used a toonie-sized amount (or slightly more) and applied it using an off-brand foundation brush with synthetic bristles that I had within my collection. I focused most of the mask on my cheeks, nose and forehead around and apply more product as I feel that I need. As I'm applying this mask, I try my best to use as least as possible because as this dries it goes slightly tight and the more product you use the more uncomfortable the feeling can be.
After application, I leave the mask to completely dry anywhere from 10 - 20 minutes or until I feel relaxed enough and want to get up and take it off. The directions state to use warm water and a cloth to remove, and so I do. The one thing I find and the biggest thing I dislike about this mask is that it is quite hard to get off. I do find I have to scrub a little bit at my face but the warmer the water and softer the cloth really does help. I also noticed a slight blue tint to the skin once the mask is removed, so I would suggest doing this mask in the evening when you don't have anywhere to go.
And of course, what does the mask really do for my skin. After removing the mask, my skin is irritated but not sore and basically just looks like I've been rubbing to remove the mask or out in the sun a little bit. I do notice that my skin is tight for roughly 30 minutes to an hour afterwards. Most evenings, I don't do anything else to my skin because I really want to the mask to be fully effective. Some nights when I've used a bit too much of the mask and my skin is feeling dry I will go ahead and use my regular skincare routine or even just my normal moisturizer.
The next day is when I can really notice a difference. The first thing I've always noticed is how smooth my skin is and how radiant it appears. Most days after using the mask I'm applying makeup and I've noticed that products go on a lot smoother and overall my complexion is bright, awake and fresh.
Overall I would say this mask does completely what it says it does but I think that if you choose to use this mask that some prolonged use might be required for you to see the effects. I do think that this mask can benefit a large variety of people. However, those with dry skin might need to be extra careful when using this mask and really make sure to use your normal skincare routine after use. For those with oily skin and normal skin, I think this is absolutely the perfect mask for you. As for the direction on the back, I've come to use this mask every second day (or after any day where I'm wearing really heavy makeup) this works for my skin and does great things. But I recommend paying attention to your skin and really creating your own routine with this mask so you aren't under or over using the product!
I'm extremely happy to own this product and can't wait to continue to use this mask and many others to see some really positive changes within my skin! I highly recommend this to anyone who is looking for a great mask to put on, relax and make your skin feel amazing!
What is your favorite face mask?
Do you feel face masks benefit your skin?
*** Product feature was purchased by ME!
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Embrace and Ignite is a beauty blog run by Krystal-Marie which is dedicated to being the buzz-hub for the latest and greatest beauty products.
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