There Once Was A Dream...

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Back in March 2014, I started a blog that was then called Little Beauty Bug - some of your might even remember this dreaded name, the multiple changes the design went through and the huge rebranding process I had done to transition Little Beauty Bug into Embrace & Ignite.

My journey has been two-years in the making and I've spent countless hours taking blog photography, writing new posts, promoting new posts and making amazing friends. Two years ago, I started my blog as an outlet for me to share my passion for the cosmetics industry and to help other women and men feel confident in themselves. Over the last two years, my blog has also been a place for me to learn to be confident in myself through the use of cosmetics.

Two years ago I started with ZERO followers, zero views and zero people even knowing who I was. One of my ultimate goals for Embrace & Ignite was to always reach 500, this was my dream! And on Monday my wildest dreams came TRUE!

Each and every one of you have taken time to read my content, comment on my posts and hit the follow button on Bloglovin'. I wish I could absolutely hug every single one of you and share the passion I have for the cosmetics industry by taking you inside Sephora and buying you lots of goodies. Maybe that will be my next dream but for now, I want to send the BIGGEST of...


Two years ago, I never saw myself sitting where I am right now. I've had the pleasure of working with amazing bloggers and amazing brands. I've had the crazy opportunity to find my true passion for makeup and I've even become a Certified Makeup Artist and I now spend a majority of my time making other women and men feel beautiful and teach them everything I know.

Without Embrace & Ignite and without every single one of you reading this post today none of those things would have happened and my dreams wouldn't have been able to come true! I cannot wait to continue to grow, continue to learn and continue to share my love, passion, and confidence with you ALL!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for your continued love and support!

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Embrace and Ignite is a beauty blog run by Krystal-Marie which is dedicated to being the buzz-hub for the latest and greatest beauty products.

Thank you all for sharing my love of beauty and makeup and I look forward to connecting with you all in the comments section!