Lusting For Makeup Revolution!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Hey Beauties! Today I'm going to chat a little bit about Makeup Revolution as a brand and some of the wishlist items that I need and would seriously purchase from them. I know that Makeup Revolution has been around for about a year now and that many of there palettes are cult favorites and something everyone loves but I also think that many international beauty bloggers and makeup enthusiast don't know a whole lot about the company and the products they sell. Makeup Revolution is a UK based company that sells a number of beauty products from skincare to eyeshadow palettes to liquid lipsticks and so much more beyond that. But the main thing that has always stood out about Makeup Revolution to me is the similarities in there products versus high-end beauty products! If you visit the Makeup Revolution website there are several palettes that look like the Urban Decay Naked Palettes and if you do further research on reviews and swatches you will know that many of these palettes are EXACT dupes for the Urban Decay Naked Palettes! There are also dupes for the Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette and even recently the Too Faced Melted Liquid Lipsticks!

Another huge bonus for Makeup Revolution for me is there interaction between the company and its consumers all over the WORLD (the company does also ship internationally for very low prices). From a Marketing standpoint its super important to have a direct connection and relationship with the consumers that are using your products because in the end the people who buy your products are the people who promote them and generate more sales for your company. If you visit any of Makeup Revolutions social media (Facebook & Twitter to be exact) you will see endless posts of them retweeting and sharing there consumers reviews, photos and thoughts on the Makeup Revolution products. Not only is this amazing for the company to show other new consumers that people are liking there products but it also shows huge support to the bloggers and consumers who are taking the time out to purchase the products and then review or take photos of them to share!

I have been in love with the concept of Makeup Revolution ever since I read my first review of there products and from there my love has grown. I personally want you all to know that I own ZERO of the Makeup Revolution products but I stand behind the brand and even without trying there products I know just how amazing they area. Not only because of the bloggers and YouTubers whose posts and video's I have watched but because Makeup Revolution as a brand and as a company provides amazing service and amazing support for there consumers. And without consumers they would have no business and I really stand behind the things they do and say! With saying all of that and raving about the brand there are so many products of course that I want to purchase from the brand and hope that someday I will get to. Here is a list of some of the things I'm dying to get my hands on:

Salvation Palette in Girls On Film
Salvation Palette in Run Boy Run
Ultra 32 Shadw Eyeshadow Palette in Flawless Matte
Blush Palette in All About Pink
Ulra Blush & Contour Palette in Hot Spice
Amazing Lipstick in Enchant, Sweetheart & Crime, 
I <3 Makeup Blushing Hearts in Peachy Pink Kisses
I <3 Makeup Blushing Hearts in Heart Blusher
I <3 Makeup Blushing Hearts in Bursting With Love
Lip Lava in Forgiven, Shockwave and Tremor
Highligher Palette in Highlight
Iconic Pro Blush, Bronze & Brighten Palette in Golden Hot & Smoulder & Rave
Single Eyeshadow in Black Heart, Delicious, Hung Up, I Remember & Illuminate

Before I finish this long winded post I do also want to say that if your looking for affordable and high quality makeup products Makeup Revolution is your way to go! But unlike other makeup brands Makeup Revolution is constantly releasing new items: did you know they had 80 NEW releases over the past month? There is truly something for everyone in there product lines and I think everyone would really benefit from using the Makeup Revolution products. If you are interested in Makeup Revolution I will leave all of there social media links below for you to check out!

Makeup Rev Website || Makeup Rev Twitter || Makeup Rev Facebook || Makeup Rev Instagram

Have you tried any Makeup Revolution products?
What are your favorites and why?

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